Wednesday, 31 October 2007


Um dos engenheiros da Bridgestone costuma dizer que se ele tiver à disposição dois automóveis Mercedes de modelos semelhantes, mas um fabricado em 1980 rodando com pneus de hoje, e um outro carro modelo 2007, com toda a eletrônica embarcada, mas “calçado” com pneus de 1980, certamente ele preferirá andar com o carro dos anos 80, devido à enorme diferença tecnológica existente entre os dois pneus. Parte importante desses achados tecnológicos vem das pistas de competição que, de fato, são laboratórios para as empresas de pneus. Hoje, por exemplo, temos softwares desenvolvidos para projetar pneus de F-1 que são largamente utilizados para definir a estrutura da carcaça, desenho da banda de rodagem, “mix” de compostos e tudo mais para os carros de passeio. Outro exemplo: a partir das competições automobilísticas, a Bridgestone desenvolveu pesquisas que levaram ao desenvolvimento de uma cadeia molecular do negro de fumo mais longa que reduz significativamente o desgaste do composto gerado por eventuais agressões sofridas pela borracha. Esse benefício se estende a praticamente todos os pneus fabricados pela Bridgestone e oferecidos ao consumidor. Grande abraço,Raul VianaBridgestone Firestone do Brasil Ltda.Diretor de Assuntos Corporativos

HAMILTON BEING HUG BY RON DENNIS AFTER RACING........Hamilton sendo abraçado por Ron Dennis após corrida

I would like to make some consolation also for Lewis Hamilton that we learned during the year to admire and now at the end of the season could know by Ron Dennis and pass the more surprising still ........... The consolation is the following: IS THERE A SUPERSTITION WORLD ...... THAT WHEN ONE PERSON OPEN A BUSINESS CAN BE ANY ...... SHOP IN ANY THING CARS ..... ...... AND THE FIRST MONTH sell more ..??????? The LENGEND THAT SAYS A PERSON WILL NO MORE SELL, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7. 8. 9 .. 10 .. 11 ... 12 ... ...... MONTH AND THE CONTRARY IS NOT SELL IN FIRST MONTH IS SIGNAL THAT WILL SELL MUCH The REST OF MONTHS OF YEARS ...... this applies to the Formula 1 .. ... I was worried that You Lewis Hamilton was winning everything "soon" in the first year !!!!!!! Thought will earn 2007 .. and will not win more ??????? So great was YOU lost in the first year .... It SIGNAL THAT WILL WIN NOW ONLY ........... This superstition not fault ..... worldwide ..... why thanks to God for not having won in the first year ....... now will be only wins ...... ...... Still could not fail to congratulate the excellent campaign that you did in 2007 ...... congratulations and go for 2008 ...... and that God protects you is always what you want your friends here..... It is in these hours that are the friends BELIEVERS as WE that prestige the MCLaren and Ron Dennis to 20 years .....

KIMI PODIUM....WILL OF GOD.......vontade de Deus.....

Do you remember the beginning where only two Men strengths of Formula 1 spoke God does know !!!!! So I am not sure that God showed once again that it sends He is ...... we humans by most rich and powerful that they can be not mean anything close to the immense power of God for ...... that I try to be honest in all MY ATTITUDES ...... PRIMARILY IN MY PROJECT THAT I WANT TO sell FOR TEAMS ...... If not 100% HONEST IT WOULD NOT HAVE THE SLIGHTEST CHANCE OF GETTING TO TALK ..... and also being humble and remembering that we are only here thanks to HIM , GOD and the YOUR CHILD JESUS ....... rest as Frank Willians is joke ...... if we are honest and correct we will pay the price and it is already now ........ THAT I LIKE OF FORMULA 1 IS EQUAL LIFE OF PEOPLE MORE THAN ONE SPEED ....... HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING CORRECT ....... The EVERY 15 DAYS ....... IF MAKES OR TALK NONSENSE ....... RECEIVE The PUNISHMENT IN NEXT WEEK. ....... THAT I FEAR FOR GOD AND I HAVE MORE RESPECT AND ALL RIGHT ....... RESULTS GAIN THESE BIGGEST OF GOD .......... EXPECT FROM THAT ALL OF HEADS, PILOTOS AND MECHANICAL THINK THAT And DOING ............ AFTER THAT The CIRCO OF FORMULA 1 GO SHINE MUCH MORE ...

Vocês lembram do começo aonde só dois Homens fortes da Formula 1 falaram Deus é que sabe !!!!! Pois então acho não tenho certeza que Deus mostrou mais uma vêz que que manda é Êle......nós seres humanos por mais ricos e poderosos que possam ser não significamos nada perto do imenso poder de Deus ......por isso tento ser honesto em todas as MINHAS ATITUDES ......PRINCIPALMENTE NO MEU PROJETO QUE QUERO VENDER PARA AS EQUIPES ...... SE NÀO FOSSE 100% HONESTO NÀO TERIA A MENOR CHANCE DE COMEÇAR A DIALOGAR.....e também sendo humilde .....e lembrando que só estamos aqui graças à ÊLE DEUS e SEU FILHO JESUS .......o resto como diz Frank Willians é não formos honestos e corretos vamos pagar o preço e é já agora ........POR ISSO QUE GOSTO DA FORMULA 1 , É IGUAL A VIDA DA GENTE SÓ QUE MAIS ACELERADA .......TEM QUE FAZER TUDO CORRETO.......A CADA 15 DIAS .......SE FIZER OU DIZER BESTEIRA.......RECEBE O CASTIGO NA PRÓXIMA SEMANA........POR ISSO TEMO À DEUS E TENHO O MAIOR RESPEITO E FAÇO TUDO CERTO.......RESULTADO GANHO PRESENTES ENORMES DE DEUS..........ESPERO QUE TODOS DESDE DE CHEFES , PILOTOS E MECANICOS PENSEM NISSO E FAÇAM O MESMO ............AÍ O CIRCO DA FORMULA 1 VAI BRILHAR MUITO MAIS........
Ranking da telinha
A Globo conseguiu 27 pontos de audiência com a corrida de domingo.

Mas o número que chama a atenção, porque permite comparação com outros países, é o "share": 56% das televisões ligadas estavam sintonizadas no GP.

Entre os países que pesquisei, o Brasil foi o segundo colocado.

A campeã, a Espanha: 61,4%. Por lá, duas emissoras, Telecinco e TV3, transmitiram a prova. A ITV, emissora inglesa, registrou 49,8%. Na Alemanha, RTL e Premiere tiveram, juntas, 39,8% de participação.
Escrito por Fábio Seixas às 20h13

Gizela se despedindo de Interlagos.....

Gizela Dawidowicz Jorge no setor B o melhor lugar de Interlagos a entrada custa US$ 1.000 dólares cada pessoa 

I THE SECTOR B........Eu no setor B........

Here I and invited the VENEZUELA, invited by BRIDGESTONE the best sector of circuit sector B ...... Ah ... !!!!! On the shirt of the former Benetton .... I got to many years ago ..... only use once a year ..... as never won the McLaren ??????? AND THE VODAFONE........I have to use this same ........ but the cap is the Bridgestone .........

Aqui Eu Lionel de Campos Jorge e os convidados da VENEZUELA , convidados pela BRIDGESTONE no melhor setor do autódromo setor B ...... ...Ah !!!!! sobre a camisa da antiga Beneton ....Eu ganhei à muitos anos atrás.....só uso uma vez pôr ano .....como nunca ganhei da McLaren ??????? E DA VODAFONE....... tenho que usar esta mesmo........mas o boné é da Bridgestone.........

Kimi passing.......Kimi já passou.......

Kimi arriving.....Kimi cruzando a linha de chegada......

TOYOTA ALWAYS MAKES SHOW.........TOYOTA sempre um SHOW........

The sad NEWS OF TWO WEEKS THAT FORMULA 1 COME HERE IN BRAZIL ... It was not Lewis Hamilton lost ....... because I KNOW THAT IT WILL WIN THE NEXT YEAR ... was the interruption of a beginning of the negotiations TO MY PROJECT AERODINÂMICA (MAKES CARS GO FASTER)for car Formula 1 ....... coming WELL walking and suddenly we send an email simple: "Thank you very much.But we are not interested.Yours sincerely. GUDRUN NAPFLEIN Human Resources."
VERY sad ...... EVEN get 2 or 3 days very sad.... patience ..... just would like to say that I love the Toyota ..... and that we learned that there was a rumor of it not had results in 2008 .... GOES STAND IN COMPETE ........ that I follow Formula 1 since 1970 ...... I SAY with any certainty with any knowledge of marketing I have ...... The TOYOTA CAN NOT STAND ..... the world loves a Toyota, not to mention the PEOPLE Japanese car ....... This beautiful white and red ...... representing the colors of BANNER OF JAPAN ... ..... CAN NOT STAND ...... the Ferrari was 14 years without winning and not stopped ............ the Willians also need not win !!!!!!!! But the fact is competing ja brings a great pleasure for those who LIKE TO HANG FORMULA 1 ...... Just trying to stay one hour at Toyota will WIN ..... WITH CERTAINTY ..... no matter who takes the important thing is that the KNOW WORLD THAT YOU are always trying .... THERE error ????? THERE !!!!!!! But I put RESPECT and enormous admiration for the TOYOTA would not open on a blog like this ..... BUT I HAVE CERTAINTY THAT CAN I HELP MY ...... THE DOORS WILL ALWAYS OPEN FOR TOYOTA ........ You just trust in me is just to contact me ..... Because the contracts are annually the team can use to pay for a year with exclusive ....... detail the FIA has already approved .....

BRIDGESTONE recebe convidados da COSTA RICA

Confortavelmente instalados no melhor Setor do autódromo o SETOR B .......

Convidados da BRIDGESTONE da Costa Rica

Aqui o pessoal da COSTA RICA confortavelmente instalados pela BRIDGESTONE ..... ..... no Setor B .......considerado o melhor da Formula 1......

Boxe da McLaren.....

Primeiro colocado.....

Gizela Dawidowicz  Jorge no Setor B graças à Bridgestone ......considerado o melhor lugar aonde se VÊ A LARGADA apenas à um metro de distâcia........e cada entrada custa US$ 1.000 dólares .

Gizela in front of the podium......Gizela em frente o PODIUM.....

Nós estámos nessa arquibancada em frente .......setor B

Best place ceded by Bridgestone .... in addition to the departure ... we see the podium .... best place is not.......Gizela Dawidowicz Jorge

Gi setor B com Venezuela

Confortavelmente Gizela Dawidowicz Jorge e Eu  Lionel de Campos Jorge com os convidados da Bridgestone da Venezuela ......o melhor lugar do Autodromo......pena que a Prefeitura resolveu numerar os lugares .....para faturar mais......ESPERO QUE ELIMINEM ESSA MEDIDA INFELIZ PARA O PRÓXIMO ANO......


The largest owner of the team that runs better ..... all employees like him with my children and I was always very gentle with WE ...... my dream one day do business in our project with the McLaren ......

O Maior dono de equipe.....o que dirige melhor .....todos empregados gostam Dele com Eu e meus filhos sempre foi muito gentil com NÓS......Sonho meu um dia fazer negócio do nosso projeto com a McLaren......Ron Dennis 

AND THE GP BRAZIL BEGINS........E o GP Brasil começa.......

Momentos antes da largada.....

THIS ONE GIFT OF GOD AND AFTER ANOTHER OF RON DENNIS......Um Presente de Deus e depois outro de Ron Dennis..

I deliver the report of the state of the track to Ron Dennis that ALWAYS ME TREAT RIGHT MUCH ..... I and my 3 children ... Luiz Gustavo Dawidowicz Jorge , Marcus Vinicius Dawidowicz Jorge and Gizela .Dawidowicz Jorge ..... and I could not fail to register that moment of TOTAL CAUTION of Ron Dennis thanks to my daughter Gizela and allowing Hamilton take photos and spoke only with WE .... for that I say it was first a gift of God and secondly, Ron Dennis that all everytime he come to Brazil TREAT VERY WELL ..... OUT THE CONTACTS BIGS THAT HAVE THROUGH HIS ..... with certainty that we will progress in the coming months and during the year of 2008 ... it is for these and other thousand REASON we like the family McLaren and perhaps one day God want to be part of that family with our projects for McLaren ...

Hamilton and Gizela

AND HE STAY VERY WELL IN THE PHOTOS , HES VERY TALENT........Gizela Dawidowicz Jorge wich Lewis Hamilton


I knew it was a great privilege ..... not only for today 19/10/2007....21, 30 hours .... that the world champion said Hamilton .... but at FUTURE .... . I felt that He will hit the 7 titles of Michael ..... and I felt the greatest pride to be talking quiet (thanks to Ron Dennis) with the pilot who will make history in the car ... I give luck and predict the future .... THAT BOY IS GOOD ... THAT GOD BLESS And TAKE CARE HIS BEST FORM OF LIFE POSSIBLE ... Privilege for few by Everybody says that I give the pilot luck or Team I support .. because I have lots of positive energy..I always support Lewis Hamilton ..Jornalist Lionel de Campos Jorge  I


Letter for Lewis Hamilton

Dear friend LEWIS HAMILTON This simple report aims to assist you to win the title of champion of 2007 ..... follows a design of the circuit of Interlagos showing more or less where a truck was overthrown in yellow ink, is considered an area of here and RISK the possible slide or exit out of the track with both dry track and if chuver worse .... Our intuio HELP is that nothing wrong or skirt You do not have surprises like AREA OF CRUSHED in China .... Like many of Ron I call on Dennis He Genius in conduct an eqipe as well as he does for years and NOW WITH YOU WILL BE THE CHAT as seven WINS OF Shumacher .. .... Is to see my 4 were stolen only 3 wins He deserved ..... e.who enjoy sport and we want to see if these records are broken and is the only MCLAREN with You and Ron Dennis that can beat these seven wins .... and if depend on me will always available to ... even have a technical invention engineering that makes the car go from 0,1 to 10 seconds faster .... And the FIA APPROVES... Already offered in 2004 for Ron Dennis .... but at the moment the MCLAREN not need this ... . What matters now is winning 2007 with very CALM and RESPECT, TALKING all TIPS and that He will give you .... Ron Dennis is a GOOD MAN ... very honest and I just follow him to life to 20 years ... They are 20 years admiring the Man of business... You might be enough for HUMBLE and hold the momentum of youth takes about 10 years to hit 7 of the Shumi .... must have enough tolerance and especially listen to what he speaks as the Ron Dennis known almost all say 99% this business called Formula 1 enjoy while Ron Dennis is YOUNG and health and has at least another 10 years helping you to hit the 7 wins of Shumi ....... And cornering DO YOU TAKE CARE OF SENNA S ....... And after the victory if you remember to invite the people I and my three childrens for the Feast of Victory I would be very Content .... Or a simple card thanking also would like very .....

CONGRATULATION AND GOOD LUCK............Everybody says that I give the pilot luck or Team I support .. because I have lots of positive energy..I always support Lewis Hamilton ..

Lionel de Campos Jorge
Email: lionel.f1@hotmail.comBlog