Friday, 26 September 2008

Hamilton asleep at the Hilton .....

Hotel HILTON in Singapure
The Hilton Hotel where windows are all dark hosted VodafoneMcLarenMercedes ... because the team will agree the 13 hours and coffee, the 18 hour lunch, dinner and sleep the 24 hours to 3 or 4 in the morning until the 13 hours the next day. ..

This is relachar to hear ... before going to sleep now ... have to sleep late

This music is for those who have loved ... or is loving ... or will love ..... which unfortunately is not my case


My love ......
Look at the sun appeared .........
It's not the end of human adventure on Earth....
My planet goodbye ...... shirk us the Ark of Noé....
Look ... my love ... the end of the Odyssey Adam and his land ..... You will be .... The small Eva..... Eva. ... .. .. Eva....
You will be my last love in astronave ..... ..... Eva.
Besides the infinite I will fly alone with you and flying high .... I Eva.... embraces the area of the horizon Eva ....
I embrace with your body and gives me ..... .....
Living for the Force for space .... So far there is nothing more .... and the blue sky for people flying on Rio ... Beirut .... or Madagascar ....
All Earth reduced to nothing more .....
My life is a flash .... control buttons anti atomic
Look ..... well ... my love is the end of their land IDOC Adam and you will be .. .....
then repeated all over again .....

The lyrics of the song is kind of weird ... but after all we are almost at the end of the world ... say it's 2012 .... what matters is that it is a message of love ... who knows some of you will not escape with a beautiful woman ....