Monday, 21 April 2008

Max he says what put while not to exit. ! ! ! !

I spoke what he went resist insanity but also go. ......& the worst what Jean Todt type of bier eulogize. CHI CHI CHI........ I find what Jean Todt she spoke too much.. . . . .

Shumacher speaking from the bedspread of tires.....

Has said : No I find a good idea prohibit the warm from the tires. ONLY GOES HURT The pilots. idea anti of the old MAX. they go race a risk enormous the we'll leave from the boxing with tires cold.......
Who she invented that of heat the tires was Nelson Picket on the a 25 years after. & NO PATENT The idea. ......summarized all staffs today they use. .....& advantage this fancy ingenious...... SHE PICTURES REGARDING MONEY COULD TÊR I profit??? .....he should place what I AM PATENT MAI INVENTION WHAT AGO The carriage OF FORMULA 1 FLAT OF 1 on the 5 SECONDS Quicker. THAT VALLEY A NOTE.... AS THE PART WHAT A GROUPE USE...... ALL THEY GO USE DRUM.....

Fonte fotos: blog Flávio Gomes