Sunday, 20 April 2008

Bridgestone ......right tecnologia

Nós fomos comunicados pela Bridgestone em primeira mão para divulgar êsse lançamento direto do Japão e como adoro alta tecnologia, temos o maior prazer em difulgar......parabéns à Bridgestone sempre desenvolvendo o que há de mais moderno no mundo.
The business Bridgestone she displayed yesterday ,day 16 em a event of tecnologia em Tokyo , a kind of papel electronic what she continues the display images even when is desultory he is compared the papel due on the thickness & flexibility. The ware named Quick Response liquid Powder Display ( QR LPD ) uses a tecnologia what she combines the properties of the powder and also from the liquids , in addition to be quite sensible on the electricity – from there the possibility continue functioning without the stock of energy......wonderfull

We were communicated by Bridgestone first hand & I eat I adore high tecnologia , we've largest please in difulgar. congratulations on the Bridgestone always by developing what is there besides modern into the world.