Sunday 6 April 2008

SUMMARY OF THE GP BAHRAIN. photographs what valley the feather publish.

already she wondered this beautiful aircraft undergoing in a low tone on start what sensassional ? ? ! !
IS thousand turns best to see the Big Bernie on start of the that maybe es President from FIA. . . .
The prince Salman Bin Hamad that you have the largest view of marketing & tourism. .......asking gentilmente what the president from FIA no he might come......... congratulations & fêz êsse belíssimo autodromo & the year that come 2009 we shall have 2 big ones premiums.
GEORGE LUCAS. . . .. .
Hamilton. no proper request excuses for staff. .........You are always a good deal educated. ........a mount of we she slammed........ nobody she spoke she swims....... only from you.....
My Opinion.
1).ainda well what is I begin of period....... & no end. ....
.2) On proxima only get on with it 70 % or 80% You know....
.3) I have already has said various turns no proper act a part the best em all. inch , race.
4 ) You acaba if jumbled I eat was on beat of the Alonso.
One of the blemishes of the sign of Capricornio. is link about to the one to the another they speak. & after try act a part the best possivel. border the perfection & is in that moment that if jumbled. as not always you consegue 100% from the things.
This is very best face thine...... best she expresses of the face..... Can I have a from the I improved staffs. a car optimal...... & that's a exelente pilot. .....then let's go for the next...... no leave it alone....... without need show what is the best....... if you make 70 or 80 she profits easy...... the championship......

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