Sunday 8 September 2013

50 of the Most Beautiful Women Ever - Morphing

To my friends mechanical, Photographers, Team Leaders and riders and all fans of Formula 1 cars and beautiful women after all are always connected and this selection is women who never used botox. (Hint click on the small little square in the corner downstairs to watch on big screen and put the sound and enjoy Lionel abs

50 of the Most Beautiful Women Ever - Morphing

Tuesday 3 September 2013

This is a tribute to all Friends mechanics of the Formula 1 Teams, Team Leaders Photographers and finally all those who love racing and beautiful scenes ..

This is an advertisement or commercial chocolate called "bonbon Boy that mean little boy" which won several awards in Brazil .. the beauty of the scenes, for the wonderful idea, by the beautiful music of Frank Sinatra and We already tional old men. . could remember what it was like to be tasty and boy could remember the WONDERFUL things we dreamed or felt as a boy when he saw a young beautiful girl or woman ...

advise watching in size ... and loud .. to better understand the magic of the beautiful message ... in the end the narrator speaks Chocolates Garoto, this chocolate will still help you resurface your dreams boy ...

by Lionel de Campos Jorge Jorlalist

Sonhos - Bombom Garoto - Videos Publicitarios - Yes Digital